Vote For Me!!!



Wednesday, April 16, 2008


How did this happen?

Im not a member?


Anonymous said...

That is wierd, you have your member clothes on still! Must be another bug with the new servers.

*Flipfloped 2* said...

I no thats very weird! are you going to renew ur membership?

iamanevilzombie said...

Yeah, The bug is it alows you to were the member cloths you were wearing when your membership expired. The problem was, was that my "friend" Ruined it. So i could only have the boots and Shirt on!

Mileycyres13 said...

I AM A CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!! BUT THAT WAS WEIRD???????????

Anonymous said...

it happened to me to!
it just means that you have your member clothes on but you have to renew,
but it happens when a quick virus runs through the cp computers then into a unlucky penguin witch creates that!