Vote For Me!!!



Saturday, May 31, 2008

Im back

Im back from my trip :-)

YO! The New Beta Item, The Red Construction Hat

YO! There is a new Item for anyone on club penguin who helped with the test servers.

Here is the new Item:

The winners of the Book Room Writing Contest Books Were Realeases and they are Awesome. Read Them and here is the cover of the new book:

I Hope This Club Penguin Mail thing turns out ok otherwise theres going to be no way to send or say certain stuff on cp.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

YO! New Newspaper

Click Here to see the new newspaper on Cg7mv7's Site but i posted it.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

YO! New Pin!!!

YO! Tonymadi here sorry for not posting this yesterday but here it is!

Wave youre mouse over the pot an it will do this:

Here is the solution, the Anvil Pin:

Walk over it and say yes to get the pin:


Friday, May 23, 2008

YO! New Better Igloos Catalog!!!

Here is the cover:

The new stuff and some cheats:

An old Item:

Do you like it? Ill put a poll up to see.


YO! Wizard Hat is Back!!! And New Look!!!

YO! The Wizard Hat is back and ive got a new look!

"The New Look"


New Pets Catalog!!!

The new cover for the New Catalog!

Here is the improvement, not much, but better than nothing.

Hope you liked the new catalog, because if you like puffles then you will want these really bad. A new thing that im doin is after Every post im going to say YO!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Catalogs Coming!!! Also Sneak Peek!!!

Yo, Tonymadi here, Im going to show you a sneak peek and some news from BillyBob.

Heres what BillyBob said,

Hello Penguins!,

The medieval party is still going strong and I hope you're all having tons of fun! Its not over yet--there's more to come later this week! On Friday the Medieval Igloo Decorating contest starts so be sure to save your coins! You're going to need them to decorate your igloo when the new furniture catalog comes out on Friday! It is going to be stacked with medieval items!! So make sure you wait until Friday to start decorating. I grabbed a few screen shots of some of the items to inspire some creative decorating ideas!!Check it out!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


come on why are you not changing MY SIDE BAR picture??????????????????????
ITS NOT THAT HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im On Mimos Ultimate Links!!!

Heres proof:

Join urself.

The Medieval Party

A little late but I got it and here is the newest room and cheat. The way up the treehouse I think you can figure out.

The new room called "The Party".

The new Sqire Tunic:

Its at the Dock.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


come on tony its been a while, change my pic!!!!!!!!!

Flipfloped 2's other account

I don't use this account that muck, because its not a member. :-( hopefully i can have 2 member accounts! flipfloped 2 and Dance Theme

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I found a poem on a site. i think its intresting.

Misunderstood, uncorrecly catagorized, wrongly thought of. One friend to look at. One friend to talk to. One reason to run. One reason to yell. Miss understood uncorrecly catagorized, wrongly though of. . Misunderstood. Dark thought black minds. Misudnerstood, uncorrecly catagorized, wronglry thought of. misunderstood, uncorrecly catagorized, wrongly thought of


Huh? 3 letters?

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Newest Word That I Made Up

It Is "Koolyo".

Koolyo huh?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Oh, Found Me Santas Pic

Found the pic.

Even Better Pics Of The Mimo Party

Mimo Party was not that great but I saw Me Santa, U Fride, Mimo777, 9china9, and Wwe Adam.And Proof.Lost some of the pics,dont know what happened to them. Wwe Adams Player Card:

Here is me and Wwe Adam and me sittin together cause we cant get into the dock so we were talkin. Hes actually pretty O.K..

Mimos not at the dock cause he cant get into his own party. Lol. Here he is at the Ice Rink.

Me and U Fride, now apart of me Buddy List.

Mimo Party was not the best party ive ever been to but I saw lots of people.

Other people there were Cena12121, Tcpc Mascot, and Acww575.

Mimos party Pics with Me Santa

this was the whole party at the dock. im under the house icon of Mimos player card.

After a while Me Santa came and was cool and funny
Here is Mimos player card.
But i got a pic of him sayin, Bye. and that was the end of the party. It was so cool.

Mimo Party Today!!!

The Time: 11:30 Club Penguin Time- 3:00 Club Penguin

Where: Dock

Server: Chinook

Date: Today(Mothers Day)

See You All There!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Who has the coolest igloo?

Congrats Pie9997!!!

Pie9997 won the Who has the coolest igloo? contest!!! CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!

Leave Salinajean Alone!

Look you know what this is all out of hand. Just leave Salinajean alone. She has done nothing wrong. Sure she makes post about her life but that is her. Her trademark is her spelling. I know how she must be feeling with everyone against her. I felt the same way to on the BPE. Just leave here alone.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

No one is helping!

No one is helping me at my blog! :-(

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Famous Penguins

Flipfloped 2 took these pics
A few days ago i saw Vital Viper and Wwe Adam on the sever frozen. The room was full for a long time, but after a while they let me in! the is their pics and the party:

Monday, May 5, 2008

Membership/Renew My Pic

I got membership, So please change my pic again. i dont want to look like a non member anymore. Sorry bout that! Use this pic above

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Re: Bad Day

I had a bad day to. Today someone removed me from Pie9997's site. I am so sad. :(

Bad day

Today i accedentilly delted my self of Cps now i need my friend to re add me and also PIE9997 DELTED ME OFF HIS SITE. IM SO MAD AT HIM

New stuff

The Rare pot: This is more than crud!

Warning spoiler Alert! (Click here to see what the Rare pot will really be)

(Click here to see the catalogue)

Items Available:

Dragon costume
King’s crown
Royal robe
Queen’s crown (Rare)
Queen’s dress
Knight helmet
Knight armor
Emerald hat
Emerald dress
Penguin’s work -
BlacksmithHere is an animation of the Blacksmith

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Book Room Contest

Im doing the Book Room Contest and here is what I have so far:

The Best Surprise Ever

May 3rd 2008, I was 363 days old and I my birthday was May 5th and it was coming to be my favorite day ever. I was walking around in the Town and nobody was talking to me. I hadn’t seen my friends all day and I couldn’t get into my house. My key was inside and it was locked. There were no windows on my house. I was locked out. I go to the Book Room to read a good book. I see Rockhoppers Journal! Cool I thought. I read it and when I get to the end I see a key! Rockhoppers Key! I end up sleeping in Rockhoppers Quarters. Cool huh? Rockhopper comes in. I panic. I find an empty treasure chest and I hide in it. Pretty comfy I thought. I end up sleeping there. May 4th 2008, Rockhopper leaves and I can finally leave to. People say he went inside a igloo and I felt jealous because I couldn’t get into mine. Too bad I thought.

What do you think?

Kiss Kiss