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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Even Better Pics Of The Mimo Party

Mimo Party was not that great but I saw Me Santa, U Fride, Mimo777, 9china9, and Wwe Adam.And Proof.Lost some of the pics,dont know what happened to them. Wwe Adams Player Card:

Here is me and Wwe Adam and me sittin together cause we cant get into the dock so we were talkin. Hes actually pretty O.K..

Mimos not at the dock cause he cant get into his own party. Lol. Here he is at the Ice Rink.

Me and U Fride, now apart of me Buddy List.

Mimo Party was not the best party ive ever been to but I saw lots of people.

Other people there were Cena12121, Tcpc Mascot, and Acww575.