Vote For Me!!!



Friday, June 13, 2008

YO! Look How Rich I Am (not an edit)

YO! As I said in the post title Im Rich yeah go me.

I want Salinajean to do the Newspaper post and Flipfloped 2 to do the the New Water Party Post. Dont do it and ur fired.

Nah im kidden but seriously do the posts.



Anonymous said...

Interesting topics could give you more visitors to your site. So Keep up the good work.

Yogipen said...

You so hacked it!

*Flipfloped 2* said...

yeah he did

awesome maxy said...

please come to my party:
june 21 2008
time:4:00 cp time
where:maxys igloo on map

XSoccerBoy1997X said...

Tonymadi i want you to do the post about the party on MY site.In it include free items,your fave room and the new room to the left of the iceburg.Please do it I don't want to keep waitnig.

iamanevilzombie said...

ok dont worry, i did the post :-)

mariomansp said...

So I take it the money maker worked, eh? I got 200,000 coins =D

mariomansp said...

And Yogipen, hacking makes games interesting. go back to lying about being a beta